
the radius of the aluminum atom is 143pm. the radius of the aluminum atom is 54pm. by what percentage did the radius change as the ion formed?

Accepted Solution

Answer:There was 62.23% change in radius as the ion formed.Step-by-step explanation:Given Radius of Aluminium [tex](Al)[/tex] atom  = 143 pm Radius of Aluminium [tex](Al^{3+})[/tex] atom  = 54 pmChange is the radius =  Radius of Aluminium [tex](Al)[/tex] atom - Radius of Aluminium [tex](Al^{3+})[/tex] atom = 143 -54 = 89Now to find % Change is the radius we will divide Change is the radius by Radius of Aluminium [tex](Al)[/tex] atom and multiply by 100 we get % Change is the radius = [tex]\frac{\textrm{Change is the radius}}{\textrm{Radius of Aluminium (Al) atom}} \times 100 = \frac{89}{143}\times100= 62.23\%[/tex]Hence there was 62.23% change in radius as the ion formed.