
The sum of two numbers is 0. Twice the smaller number subtracted from 3 times the larger number is 10. Let x represent the larger number and y represent the smaller number. Which equations represent this situation?

Accepted Solution

Answer:y= -xy= 3/2 -5Step-by-step explanation:The sum of two numbers is zero.x + y = 0y = -xTwice the smaller number subtracted from 3 times the larger number is 10.Let x represent the larger number and y represent the smaller number.Twice the smaller number: 2y3 times the larger number: 3xTwice the smaller number subtracted from 3 times the larger number is 10. 3x - 2y = 10-2y = -3x + 10y = 3/2 x - 5The equations are:y = -xy = 3/2 x - 5Hope I helped (p.s. maybe brainliest)