
There are 740 tickets purchased for a Major League Baseball game. The lower reserved tickets cost $9.50 and the upper reserve cost $8.00. The total amount of money was $6482.50. How many of each kind of ticket were purchased

Accepted Solution

375 lower reserved tickets were purchased and 365 upper reserved tickets were purchasedStep-by-step explanation:Let x be the number lower reserved tickets andy be the number of upper reserved ticketsThen according to given statements[tex]x+y = 740\ \ \ \ Eqn\ 1\\9.50x+8y = 6482.50\ \ \ \ Eqn\ 2[/tex]From equation 1:[tex]x = 740-y[/tex]Putting in equation 2[tex]9.5(740-y)+8y = 6482.50\\7030-9.5y+8y = 6482.50\\7030-1.5y = 6482.50[/tex]Subtracting 7030 from both sides[tex]7030-7030-1.5y = 6482.50-7030\\-1.5y=-547.5[/tex]Dividing both sides by -1.5[tex]\frac{-1.5y}{-1.5} = \frac{-547.5}{-1.5}\\y = 365[/tex]Putting y = 365 in equation 1[tex]x+365 = 740\\x = 740 - 365\\x = 375[/tex]Hence,375 lower reserved tickets were purchased and 365 upper reserved tickets were purchasedKeywords: Linear equations, VariablesLearn more about linear equations at:brainly.com/question/11207748brainly.com/question/11280112#LearnwithBrainly